'Prolific offender' jailed after stabbing man in Stoke-on-Trent

By Sarah Garner

22nd May 2024 | Local News

Sam Austen, 28, of no fixed address, has been jailed for ten years (Staffordshire Police).
Sam Austen, 28, of no fixed address, has been jailed for ten years (Staffordshire Police).

A prolific offender has been sentenced to ten years in prison after stabbing a man and hitting another with a wrench in two separate attacks in Stoke-on-Trent.

Sam Austin, 28, of no fixed address, was handed a nine-year jail term at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court on Wednesday 15 May after previously pleading guilty to robbery.

On Wednesday 28 June last year Austin attacked a man at an address in Wade Street, Burslem, punching him and then hitting him with a wrench following an argument over a bicycle.

The victim was taken to hospital after suffering a concussion, two fractures to his face, a hole in his retina and a cut to his arm.

Austen was handed the sentence at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court last week (Nub News).

Following the attack Austin left the property with the victim's bag, which contained jewellery, £60 cash and other belongings.

He also received a further sentence of one year in prison after admitting an unrelated charge of affray at an earlier hearing.

Austin stabbed another man in a fight on a supermarket car park in Hanley. During the incident in June 2021, the victim received stab wounds to his arm and leg. His injuries were not life-threatening.

Staffordshire Police have described Austen as a 'prolific offender' (Nub News).

On sentencing, Detective Constable Emma Blackband, from CID North, said: "We welcome this custodial sentence. Austin is a prolific offender with a desire to follow a path of criminality.

"Today he has also been sentenced for a number of other unrelated matters, including burglary and being concerned in the supply of a class B drug. We have made the streets a safer place, removing an individual intent on breaking the law and doing physical harm to others."


READ MORE: Sex offender from Stoke-on-Trent given 15 year extended sentence

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